Bringing in the New Years with...

Hi Friends, Another year has just slid by...the older I get the faster it goes by sooooo here is my thought... DO MORE OF WHAT YOU LOVE!!! My motto for this year which I intend to live by . Last year at this time I was diagnosed with Alpha 1 COPD which is basically inherited COPD stage 4 or very severe. My job is to not get sick and here I am a year later sicker than sick. I live on Oxygen 24/7 and try to be positive to my circumstances. My plan for this year is to share more of the things that I make. For you see, I absolutely love paper crafts and after I was diagnosed I kind of stopped doing the things that made me happy...I was lost and depressed! So with the New Year comes a new me living my new motto "DO MORE OF WHAT YOU LOVE"! I would like to take this time to wish everyone of you a Very Happy New Year! Be Smart, Be Safe, Have Fun, and lets bring in the New Year in STYLE... ...